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Gruppo Montenegro: the goal is #GreenCompany

11 October 2019

The group from Bologna, market leader in the food and liqueur sector, is speeding up in terms of sustainable development by getting rid of plastic and encouraging separate waste collection on all its premises.


Zola Predosa (BO), 2nd October 2019 – Gruppo Montenegro aims at becoming increasingly green and launches its new environmental sustainability path, developed along several corporate lines, starting with two initiatives: #PlasticFreeCompany and #100%Recycle.

“Our vision ‘Quality of life anytime of the day’ means making sustainable decisions and choosing behaviours which reflect this vision every day”, says Marco Ferrari, CEO at Gruppo Montenegro. “This is why we have started to pave the way for a new path which will lead us to becoming more and more a ‘Green Company’, by starting the first projects within our workspaces. They include basic and concrete actions because we believe that what we do every day can truly make a difference”.

More specifically, the goal of the first project, called #PlasticFreeCompany, is to get rid of all the plastic which is used for beverages on the Group’s premises, thanks to the installation of machines for pipeline water filtering: in this way you have quality drinking water, free of charge and available for everyone, using paper cups or stainless steel flasks which we provide for our staff. Moreover, the cups and plastic spoons for coffee vending machines will be replaced with paper cups, wooden spoons and ceramic mugs for herb teas and infusions.

#100%Recycle, on the other hand, is an initiative aimed at encouraging separate waste collection, by placing new branded containers in all common spaces in offices and factories, thus getting rid of all litter bins on the premises. This is also expected to allow for more efficient collection operations, as well as to encourage greater use of recycled materials to protect the environment.

It is sustainability path in respect of which all the employees at Gruppo Montenegro are involved.

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