
Our Group’s corporate responsibility includes the same objectives stipulated by the UN Agenda 2030, also known as SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), 17 items that set out how the company can contribute to a fairer and more inclusive society, focusing on the regions where it operates and beyond. Gruppo Montenegro concretely shows its ethical commitment by supporting several sustainability projects in several areas.

Our actions to the
United Nations’s SDGs

Group Planet
SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production

5th February 2022: an important date for us and for the future of our planet!

Saturday 5 February will be the National Day for the Prevention of Food Waste, but not only… on that date the Pact against Food Waste promoted by Too Good To Go, which Gruppo Montenegro has also signed, celebrates its first birthday.

Counteracting food waste is the top-ranking solution to fight climate change and keep the increase in temperatures by the end of the century below 2°C, thus limiting the damage caused by climate change to humans and the environment. Indeed, everyone’s commitment is essential in order to achieve this ambitious objective, also set out by the United Nation in its Agenda 2030, to halve food waste per capita in retail and by consumers, as well as to reduce food waste all along the supply chain by 2030.

Our contribution, together with our partner Too Good To Go and other companies which have joined the Pact, has already led to several concrete outcomes:

  • 368,000 Magic Boxes distributed
  • 212,000 products saved
  • 10,000,000 packages with a more detailed explanation of the Awareness Label on the shelves
  • 1,500,000 people, including employees and consumers, involved in webinars, events and communication campaigns
  • 145,000 € worth of food products saved and given to the most fragile individuals.

These figures make us proud, however we do not see it as a final achievement; on the contrary; our commitment to this issue, which is becoming increasingly topical and urgent for consumers, companies and the environment, will become even stronger and more concrete.

Read the press release here.

Group Planet
SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production

September 29th: an important day for us and for the future of our planet!

Wednesday, September 29th is the second International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste, established by the United Nations.

Wasting food, means also wasting all the resources used to produce it such as water, land, and energy, with negative impacts on our health, from an ethical and a social point of view, and on our planet’s wellbeing.

This relation represents a turning point to start rethinking the impact of our actions on the environment.

Gruppo Montenegro is doing it! We joined the Pact against Food Waste, created by Too Good To Go to raise awareness amongst society and to take actions and seek solutions to tackle food waste.

A concrete action is in place in all our Company’s Restaurant together with our partner CIR Food, starting right from today, September 29th.

Group Planet
SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production

For a planet without food waste

Did you know that…:

  • 1/3 of the food produced (for human consumption) worldwide is thrown away before it reaches the table (source: FAO, Global Food Losses and Food Waste, 2011)
  • 3 billion tons of edible food are thrown away every year in the world (source: FAO, Global Food Losses and Food Waste, 2011)
  • 88 million tons of food are thrown away every year in Europe, of which 53% in the household (source: EU Fusions, Estimates of European food waste levels, 2016)
  • 40% of waste in industrialised countries is concentrated during the distribution and consumption phase (FAO, Make Not wasting a Way of Life, 2016)
  • 8-10% of emissions at global level are caused by food waste (if it were a country, in a country ranking, it would be third after China and USA) (source: FAO, Food Wastage Footprint: Impacts on Natural Resources, Summary Report, 2013)

The fight against food waste involves communities all over the world. Also the UN has added to its Sustainable Development Objectives – in the Sustainable Change section – the target of halving food waste worldwide, both at retail and consumer level, as well as of reducing food losses along the production chain, including the post-harvest phases.

Every small action can make a difference!

Gruppo Montenegro has decided to join the Pact against Food Waste, launched by the association Too Good To Go on the occasion of the nationwide Day against Food Waste, on the 5th of February.

Too Good To Go, with which we are already partnered through our Atelier della Natura Bonomelli, which donates its leftovers every day to be used as Magic Boxes, was established in 2015 in Denmark for the purpose of counteracting food waste.

Their app is present in 15 countries (Europe and United States), it has more than 50 million users, and allows shops and companies to collect and sell online their food leftovers (“too good to go”!) to make Magic Boxes, i.e. “doggy bags” with a surprise selection of fresh products and dishes which cannot be sold the next day.

The Pact will be launched on the occasion of the Day for Prevention of Food Waste, scheduled for the 5th of February this year; it is a virtuous alliance between companies, supermarkets and consumers, with a view to bringing down food wastage rates over the next three years through concrete actions and initiatives at all levels of the agri-food chain.

Read the news here.

Read more about the pact:

Brands Planet
SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production

Bonomelli: together we can fight food waste

Have you ever wondered where the all remainders of the day end up? Through #AtelierDellaNaturaBonomelli we have decided to join the project Too Good To Go, the app which allows you to buy our magic box products at a very convenient price.

Together we can fight food waste: check out our Atelier on the Too Good To Go app!

Group Planet
SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production

Certified sustainable transport: Gruppo Montenegro joins Mercitalia Fast

Within its wider corporate commitment to environmental sustainability, Gruppo Montenegro has joined Mercitalia Fast, the high-speed rail freight transport service that has obtained UNI EN ISO 14064-1: 2019 certification. This certification measures the climate footprint by assessing the quantities of greenhouse gases (GHG) produced and by demonstrating a responsible approach towards the environment.

“The decision to get on the Mercitalia Fast’s high speed is part of the Group’s plan to continue along the path towards the environmental sustainability – commented Marco Ferrari, CEO of Gruppo Montenegro – and we are very glad to have joined this service because it is through simple and concrete actions like this that we want to make a difference”.

The versatility of the service makes it possible to bring together companies of different activities and goods transported, who share trust in Mercitalia Fast, a service that guarantees high percentages of reliability and punctuality, with an eye that is always attentive to sustainability and the well-being of the environment.

Find out more:

Group People
SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production

Responsible alcohol consumption

Through its communication and advertising activities, Gruppo Montenegro has always been committed to presenting a fair and balanced image of alcohol consumption.

The main reference brands – Amaro Montenegro and Vecchia Romagna – have always been presented and promoted in a way that seeks to convey certain values, namely commitment, solidarity and collaboration.The aim of this approach is to promote consumption patterns that are far removed from any type of excess or misuse. Indeed, while the Group is mindful of the fact that it is an economic entity with a duty to create value for its shareholders, it is also committed to expanding its customer base, promoting convivial enjoyment and consumption of alcohol.

Group Awards People
SDG 05: Gender Equality

Gruppo Montenegro is awarded the IDEM certification for gender equality

IDEM is an innovative university start-up, whose aim is to accelerate the path of all organisations committed to achieving Gender Equality.

IDEM has developed an instrument to measure at certifying gender equality achievements on the workplace (IDEM index) based on a rigorous and “data driven” method (i.e. using objective data), which takes into account four fundamental corporate dimensions: career, salary, organization and culture. The project started in 2020, in partnership with the Marco Biagi Foundation at Università Degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia and with the Job Pricing Observatory, to participate in the design and validation of a new certification aimed at actively contributing to achieving Objective 5 of the UN 2030 Agenda.

«The first step towards gender equality – according to Federico Ferri, Senior Partner at IDEM – consists in measuring it and acknowledging its benchmarks. In this regard, the method used by IDEM has the aim of transforming into measurable objectives the actions in support of gender equality, in a way that is very similar to the procedure used for business goals. This approach consists in enabling improvement actions and quantifying their effects, to generate effective change within companies and achieving true gender equality».

This outcome proves to what extent Gruppo Montenegro, also thanks to its instruments facilitating work-life balance, is an enterprise keen on promoting policies that guarantee gender equality every day at the corporate level.

The certification is also a tool that will help us identify new intervention priorities and establish specific action plans to continue our progress towards “gender equality”, being aware of our achievements so far and of the steps we still need to take.

Cristina Danelatos, HR & Digital Innovation Director:

«Inclusion and equality are Gruppo Montenegro’s principles which help us create an environment and a future which are better for our people, consumers, partners, and the communities where we operate. The IDEM certification, thanks to its rigorous scientific-methodological approach, is an important instrument for us to boost gender equality within our organisation».

Group Brands People
SDG 05: Gender Equality

A dragonfly in Bonomelli’s Atelier

The 25th of November, a date chosen as the international day for the elimination of violence against women, is approaching; Bonomelli supports Fondazione Libellula in its awareness-raising and information projects, with a view to building a new culture based on respect.

For the whole month of November, Bonomelli – in partnership with Fondazione Libellula – will focus on the fight against gender-related violence in its Atelier della Natura in Corso Garibaldi, Milan.

To help this project, in our Store, there will be materials displaying the dragonfly symbol, and free donations will be possible in support of the projects run by the Foundation.

Group People
SDG 05: Gender Equality

We change culture with Fondazione Libellula

Gruppo Montenegro has become part of the Network of Fondazione Libellula, a group of companies which have agreed to become ambassadors of an inclusive culture, resulting in sensitivity and courage. Why Libellula (“Dragonfly”)? This animal spends most of its life at the bottom of a pond, then finally emerges from the mud and learns to fly. It has thus become a symbol of transformation, of the constant process of change, freedom and balance. Why the colour red? Apart from being a symbol of the fight against violence, red also stands for vital energy and willpower.

Being “the only one there” is still a common experience for many women on the workplace: one woman out of five says she is often the only female, or one of the few, in the room, and this is twice as frequent with regard to senior positions or technical professions. Talent, performance and aptness are the only factors that count. This is our company. These are our people. This is why we have decided to join the Fondazione Libellula network.

For more information, follow the link

SDG 10: Reduced inequalities

Brands Territory People
SDG 10: Reduced inequalities

Cuore supports the project “Road to Rome”

There are stories that are worth telling and supporting… one of them is that of Bernardo Bernardini, a very young airline pilot who – when he was only 19, following an accident while training – risked never being able to walk again.

Recovering from such an accident has been no mean feat, however Bernardo finally succeeded! And in order to prove that you should never give up, he has become a Triathlete, competing in a sport which combines swimming, cycling and running.

This is the concept behind the 4ALL project, aimed at promoting sport as something truly inclusive, within everyone’s reach; in 2019 it resulted in the event “Road to Rome”, a cycling route which Bernardo has decided to complete in order to bring a universal message of integration and courage, showing that in life you can actually achieve goals which were considered impossible.

This year Cuore, a brand which has always promoted physical exercise combined with a healthy diet as a valuable tool for everyone, regardless of age and physical abilities, has decided to support the project entitled Road to Rome 2021, whose aim includes raising funds for Leonardo, a 17-year old boy who has been diagnosed with Ewing’s sarcoma, a highly aggressive form of bone cancer requiring an extremely complex and expensive physiotherapy protocol for neuro-rehabilitation.

The race started on the 23rd of June and Bernardo – having travelled 776 kilometres and burned almost 20.000 calories – arrived in Rome on Tuesday 29th June, completing the third edition of Road to Rome 2021, passing the Coliseum and several other iconic places in the Eternal City, meeting many important personalities along the way, thus making his message of integration and inclusiveness sound loud and clear.

We cannot help feeling proud of having stood by him during the Road to Rome 2021 race, conveying such a significant message of inclusiveness and integration.

Brands Taste People
SDG 03: Good health and well-being

Cuore Nutrition Academy

Because of its dedicated and constant commitment in the medical-scientific sector, over the years Cuore has established a relationship based on trust with doctors and nutrition experts. The Cuore Nutrition Academy it promotes research and scientific culture about nutrition and wellbeing. Finally, Cuore works with experts for the professional advancement of doctors and nutrition experts about the most advanced scientific data in the area of cardiovascular fitness.

For more information:

Group Territory People
SDG 03: Good health and well-being

Bonomelli for the community: a vehicle for the Municipality of Lecco

On 9 October 2021 a new minivan for community transport made available for the provincial association Auser was delivered to the “Casa della Solidarietà e della Terza Età” in San Giovanni, Lecco.

Fitted out for transporting and accompanying persons with motor disabilities, it will be used in order to respond to the increasing demand for support by the most vulnerable segments of the general population and by the Municipality for its social services.

As Gruppo Montenegro – Bonomelli Food Division we have contributed to fitting out this vehicle.

As a matter of fact, we believe that the public and private sector are called more and more to build synergies with a view to responding to needs and requests on the part of local communities.

Group Territory People
SDG 03: Good health and well-being

Gruppo Montenegro supports the Emilia-Romagna region Protezione Civile (civil defence) and the Papa Giovanni XXIII hospital in Bergamo

Group People
SDG 04: Quality education

Gruppo Montenegro supports

According to a recent survey by ISTAT (the Italian National Statistics Institute), as many as 33.8% of households do not have a pc or tablet available, while 57% of children have to share one computer with the rest of the family. This issue goes beyond the need which has been highlighted by the Covid-19 pandemic; indeed education is bound to become increasingly digitised, which means that students will be needing more and more online supports for their schoolwork.

During the lockdown period, four teenagers from Milan decided to set up, a non-profit project whose purpose is to help deal with this problem. is a web platform designed to connect students who need a device (PC or Tablet) for online learning with individuals or companies wishing to donate functioning second-hand devices.

… and Gruppo Montenegro has chosen to support this project by donating its stock of unused laptops.

Online learning is everyone’s right!

For more information, follow the link

Group Territory People
SDG 04: Quality education

Gruppo Montenegro supports LGS Sport Camp

Just like in the previous editions, Gruppo Montenegro is partnering with LGS to support the third edition of a valuable initiative which took place from 26th August to 6th September.

LGS SPORT CAMP is a sports-camp for children aged 7 to 13 with a vulnerable family background. The Camp is totally free of charge and it aims to provide a useful service to families during school holidays -with a special focus on the weakest segments of the population – as well as to allow young people to enjoy the cultural and psychophysical benefits associated with sports.

The children are involved in different sports activities and recreational/educational workshops. Besides, they have the opportunity to meet professional athletes and listen to their stories.

This will happen, of course, in compliance with specific guidelines and safety and health protection protocols.

Group Territory Planet
SDG 04: Quality education

Montenegro Group supports FAI

Gruppo Montenegro renews its support for FAI – The Italian Environmental Trust- also for 2020 and it joins the Corporate Golden Donor membership programme.

The landscape and cultural heritage which FAI protects and promotes represents an asset that has no parallel in the world, as well as a fundamental resource for investment to revive, develop and promote our Country.

FAI’s commitment is aimed at: protecting Italy’s awe-inspiring artistic, natural and cultural jewels while making them accessible to everybody; educating and raising awareness within the community about the importance of knowing about, respecting and taking care of art and nature; acting as a mouthpiece for civil society demands by monitoring and being actively involved in the territory.

Cultural heritage has a great value for local communities. In this respect, companies can play a decisive role in handling social, cultural and environmental problems. Gruppo Montenegro is no exception: since our foundation, we have always been closely bound to our territory and community.

Quality of life any time of the day.

Group Territory People
SDG 04: Quality education

Gruppo Montenegro has received from the Town Council of Zola Predosa, special recognition to companies which have stood out during the emergency

Group Territory People
SDG 04: Quality education

Gruppo Montenegro has joined the charity project ‘Buoni e Vicini’ run by the Municipality of Zola Predosa (BO)

‘Buoni e Vicini’ is a project promoted by the Municipality of Zola Predosa (BO) to support citizens who are in financial straits resulting from the Coronavirus emergency in buying foodstuffs.

The Municipality will periodically allocate food vouchers to citizens, who will be able to use them to shop from the stores around the area that have joined the initiative.

50 families will receive help thanks to Gruppo Montenegro’s contribution to the project: yet another proof of Gruppo Montenegro’s commitment to stand by the local community it has always been intimately bound to.



Group Territory People
SDG 04: Quality education

Bonomelli has joined ‘Solidalitaly’: Italian leading food companies’ support to Italian families in need

The current emergency can only be tackled by staying united and with everybody’s contribution. This is the idea behind ‘Solidalitaly’ (‘Italian Solidarity’), a joint solidarity project promoted by the Consortium ‘Italia del Gusto’ (‘Taste of Italy’), which groups together Italy’s major food companies.

A total of 20.000 food parcels will be prepared, containing an assortment of food products of the main companies in the Consortium. The first 10.000 are already being delivered free of charge – through the Caritas network and the retail chain Conad – in some of the areas that have been most affected by the crisis triggered by the Coronavirus.

Bonomelli has joined in with its Polenta Valsugana, Pizza Catarì and Spezie Cannamela brands, providing products that are part of our common identity. A small gesture to bring a smile through such hard times.

For further information:,




Group Territory People
SDG 04: Quality education

Gruppo Montenegro supports “Cinema Dis|Chiuso” (Dis|Closed Cinema) by Cinema Orione in Bologna

The concept behind the project is not to break off the rituality of “going to the movies” as a chance to meet, at a certain time, and to share culture during such a difficult and delicate period for all. If the cinema as a physical site is closed, the idea is to open an online movie theatre, free of charge, where you can watch films in streaming from home. Technology can help with that!

Gruppo Montenegro is sponsoring this initiative; for details check out the Cinema Orione website ( to “go to the movies”, you just need to subscribe to the newsletter and you will get your access credentials for the programme of the week-end and of the next few days.

Enjoy the show!

SDG 04: Quality education

Seminiamo per l’Africa

The company is aware of the daily difficulties facing some communities it interacts with, which is why it cares a great deal about increasing the effectiveness of the indirect impact that its businesses have on the growth and development of supply areas.

To achieve this, between 2011 and 2017 Cannamela launched the project “Seminiamo per l’Africa” (literally ”Sowing for Africa”).With “Seminiamo per l’Africa” Cannamela chose to increase its commitment and get involved in a major charity project for long-term agricultural development in Africa, and in 2015 it supported and cooperated with an important and respected non-profit organisation, CEFA.

Group Territory People
SDG 15: Life on land

Gruppo Montenegro for Emilia-Romagna

The Emilia-Romagna region has been home to Gruppo Montenegro since 1885; harnessing and helping it in its progress is at the core of our corporate sustainability and responsibility vision.

Over the past few weeks, the population in this area has suffered an unprecedented calamity.
We are working side by side with the Municipalities of San Lazzaro di Savena and Ozzano dell'Emilia, with the Emilia-Romagna regional government and other local institutions, as well as with all those who are making a concrete effort to support people in Emilia and Romagna.

We are also proud supporters of OltreLeNuvole (, a charity concert, featuring 25 famous artists from the Italian music scene, under the patronage of the Emilia-Romagna region, of the Municipality of Bologna and of Bologna UNESCO Creative City of Music; all its proceeds will be used for the fund raising project by the Emilia-Romagna regional government in aid of populations in the flooded areas.
Stand proud Emilia-Romagna: all together, we can rise again.

Brands Planet
SDG 15: Life on land

Did you know that Bonomelli loves the environment?

Any material the pack of our Herbal Teas and Infusions is made of is 100% recyclable
Our plant is powered by electricity coming 100% from renewable sources
There is no cellophane in the packs of our Herbal Teas and Infusions, which means a saving of 2 tons plastic per year.

Group Awards People
SDG 15: Life on land

Our Plants in Zola, Cannamela and Dolzago obtain the UNI ISO 45001:2018 certification as well as the UNI ISO 14001:2015 certification renewal

Another significant achievement as part of our HSE development plan!

Over the past few weeks a scheduled audit on the Dolzago plant has been performed by CSQA, also including Bonomelli Srl in the process of Occupational Health & Safety System certification (UNI ISO 45001:2018 standard) and Environmental Management certification renewal (UNI ISO 14001:2015 standard) for Gruppo Montenegro, which is now complete.

As in the case of Zola – Cannamela Division – and of the Montenegro Srl plants, we are particularly satisfied and proud of this further result, also because, here again, the Auditors at CSQA have complimented us for the effort made over the past few years, which has allowed the HSE Management System to grow and develop according to the requirements of Gruppo Montenegro.


Group Planet
SDG 15: Life on land

Let’s protect our planet, page by page

We have moved another step forward towards a #GreenCompany plan: in all our Plants we will be printing on “Multicopy Zero” paper, with a neutral and sustainable carbon footprint, totally chlorine-free and with 100% recyclable packaging.

Compared to the past, the use of “Multycopy Zero” Carbon Neutral certified paper will lead to us saving  4,515 Kg of CO2, that is to say 34,700 Km travelled in a car.

The issue of sustainability is one of the main pillars at Gruppo Montenegro: choosing “Multicopy Zero” as paper for all our printers we help protect our planet, page by page.

Brands Planet
SDG 15: Life on land

Thè Infrè supports Rainforest Alliance

Certified crops: Thé Infrè is at the forefront of sustainable development, environmentally-friendly values and biodiversity conservation, today more than ever. This is the reason behind the collaboration established with the association Rainforest Alliance, whose mission is to ensure production sustainability through the conscious use of natural resources, respecting people and the environment. Farmers and producers are provided with detailed guidelines and parameters to comply with in order to guarantee the highest possible degree of safety and quality.

Tea leaves contained in all Thé Infré Classico and flavoured Thé Infré filters come from Rainforest Alliance certified farms.

This means that we collaborate with Rainforest Alliance to support tea growers’ rights and wellbeing, natural resources conservation and the protection of the fauna and the environment.

Find out more: 


Group Awards People
SDG 15: Life on land

Our plants in San Lazzaro, Teramo and Foggia obtain the UNI ISO 45001:2018 certification as well as the UNI ISO 14001:2015 certification renewal.

A new goal has been reached in the HSE area… or rather, three!!!

Montenegro Group is carrying on its Occupational Health & Safety System Certification process according to the new reference Standard UNI ISO 45001: 2018, as well as the Environmental Certification renewal process according to Standard UNI ISO 14001: 2015.

Over the last few weeks, the certifying body CSQA has carried out its periodic audit of the HSE Integrated Management System at the plants of San Lazzaro, Teramo and Foggia.

As it had happened with the Group Headquarters, also in this case we feel particularly satisfied and proud of this result as well as of the renewed appreciation received from CSQA Auditors who, referring to the plants in Teramo and Foggia, pointed out that over the years Montenegro Group has strengthened its presence even at the ‘more peripheral’ sites.

Like for all other goals achieved in the past, also this further big result was possible thanks to all our collaborators -who use their know-how every day to support the HSE System and make it develop- and to anybody who made their personal contribution just by complying with all the System requirements.

Brands People
SDG 15: Life on land

DTP 030 and DTP 096 Certification Renewal Audit for Olio Cuore

Olio Cuore has passed the audit for the renewal of Product Certifications NON-GMO DTP 030 and DTP 096: Corn seed oil with a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitaminised, with a minimum content of polyunsaturated fatty acids equal to 56% of vitamin E -equal to 80 mg/100 g- and vitamin B6 -equal to 1 mg/100 g.

This renewal confirms that Olio Cuore is obtained from non-genetically modified corn, it has a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids and it is vitaminised.

The certification process had a very positive outcome -all the requirements were met- but that is not all: the certifying body CSQA also made positive comments about Olio Cuore production handling during the COVID-19 emergency.

This is further confirmation of the great importance Montenegro Group places on its products’ quality and safety, two key elements for all our brands.


Group Planet
SDG 15: Life on land

Smart Printing: a new digital solution for Service, Security and Sustainability whenever we print

The ‘Smart Printing’ project is part of the digitalisation process that Montenegro Group is undertaking in all its business areas and further evidence of its firm commitment to environmental sustainability.

The project entails replacing current printers with latest-generation ones in all the plants.

What do the ‘3 Ss’ underpinning the project stand for?

  • Service: everybody, even external guests, will be able to send files from their PCs, Smartphones or Tablets to any of the company printers, without having to go through the printer set-up procedure on their device.
  • Security: any printing request will have to be confirmed by using any of the company printers to introduce one’s own PIN, or by using one’s own badge or smartphone for user recognition.
  • Sustainability: all printers will use only FSC-certified or recycled paper and black/white double-sided printing will be the default setting. These simple settings will allow us to save about 180k sheets per year, equal to 2.5 trees, and they will cut toner consumption by 50%, significantly reducing our environmental impact in terms of consumption and disposal. Finally, all printers will allow energy savings of 24% each year, as certified by Energy Star.

A further step forward in the domains of #DigitalTransformation and #GreenCompany, two pillars of our way of working.


Group Planet
SDG 15: Life on land

Gruppo Montenegro: the goal is #GreenCompany

The group from Bologna, market leader in the food and liqueur sector, is speeding up in terms of sustainable development by getting rid of plastic and encouraging separate waste collection on all its premises.


Zola Predosa (BO), 2nd October 2019 – Gruppo Montenegro aims at becoming increasingly green and launches its new environmental sustainability path, developed along several corporate lines, starting with two initiatives: #PlasticFreeCompany and #100%Recycle.

“Our vision ‘Quality of life anytime of the day’ means making sustainable decisions and choosing behaviours which reflect this vision every day”, says Marco Ferrari, CEO at Gruppo Montenegro. “This is why we have started to pave the way for a new path which will lead us to becoming more and more a ‘Green Company’, by starting the first projects within our workspaces. They include basic and concrete actions because we believe that what we do every day can truly make a difference”.

More specifically, the goal of the first project, called #PlasticFreeCompany, is to get rid of all the plastic which is used for beverages on the Group’s premises, thanks to the installation of machines for pipeline water filtering: in this way you have quality drinking water, free of charge and available for everyone, using paper cups or stainless steel flasks which we provide for our staff. Moreover, the cups and plastic spoons for coffee vending machines will be replaced with paper cups, wooden spoons and ceramic mugs for herb teas and infusions.

#100%Recycle, on the other hand, is an initiative aimed at encouraging separate waste collection, by placing new branded containers in all common spaces in offices and factories, thus getting rid of all litter bins on the premises. This is also expected to allow for more efficient collection operations, as well as to encourage greater use of recycled materials to protect the environment.

It is sustainability path in respect of which all the employees at Gruppo Montenegro are involved.

Brands Awards People
SDG 15: Life on land

Bonomelli Dolzago confirms its FSSC 22000 Food Safety certification

On the 4th and 5th of September, at the Bonomelli factory in Dolzago, the audit for renewal of the FSSC 22000 (Food Safety System Certification) and ISO 22000 standard certification has taken place.

The FSSC 22000 standard is the most innovative, and at the same time stringent, food safety certification recognized at international level. This year the audit has been even more demanding because it came unannounced from the external certification body. This is an even greater challenge for our production factories, which need to be ready for a surprise audit at any time, without notice, in order to prove that the quality and safety of our food products is a natural result of our working processes, as well as a goal which we pursue on a daily basis.

Thanks to the teamwork of our colleagues from Quality Assurance and Control, as well as from the whole Operations department, also this year we have maintained a high performance level; this has allowed us to pass the audit by the external control body which has confirmed our certification.

Group Planet
SDG 15: Life on land

Production process management

Gruppo Montenegro’s plants, due to the very nature of the products made and the production processes employed, do not pose particularly critical problems as regards environmental impact.

Nonetheless, the Company has implemented an environmental management system at all production sites, allowing them to ensure compliance with legal requirements, but also enabling highly effective monitoring of key performance indicators for evaluating the Group’s environmental impact.The environmental management systems are subject to an annual certification audit pursuant to standard ISO 14001, carried out by a third party, in order to check continuing compliance with the voluntary certification regulations and the achievement of improvement objectives.

Group Planet
SDG 15: Life on land

Promotion of sustainability at every step of the agrifood chain

In addition to economic sustainability, Gruppo Montenegro is committed to pursuing social and environmental sustainability in its relations with all stakeholders and it undertakes to ensure a fair distribution of value throughout the supply chain.

To this end, the Company carefully oversees and controls supplies through direct action and by involving suppliers in special programmes.The main commitments promoted by the company are: soil protection, biodiversity, integrated pest management, appropriate and limited use of chemical products, protection of water resources, waste management, energy management, GM-free crops.

Group Planet
SDG 08: Decent work and economic growth

Sustainability and future

Sustainability is not just a priority: it’s an integral part of Gruppo Montenegro’s future. And also entails making things happen.

Cristina Danelatos, our HR & Corporate Communication Director, has talked to Food about the strategies selected by Gruppo Montenegro in respect of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals included in the UN’s Agenda 2030.

Food is the most important specialised magazine for industries and retailers in the Food & Beverage sector. Here the link to the interview.

Group Awards People
SDG 08: Decent work and economic growth

Our Headquarters are now certified according to the UNI ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System, and their UNI ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Certification has been confirmed

Even during this complex management phase associated with the Covid-19  health emergency, the substantial effort deployed by Gruppo Montenegro on the HSE front has allowed us to make a big step forward.

Over the past few weeks, CSQA has audited the Group’s Headquarters, in Zola Predosa (Bologna),in respect of our HSE integrated management system. This is the first step in 2020 towards certification of the Group’s Occupational Health & Safety System in all our plants according to the new UNI ISO 45001:2018 reference Standard, as well as for renewal of our Environmental Certification according to the UNI ISO 14001:2015 Standard.

We are especially proud and satisfied of having achieved this result, not only because the report does not include any”Non Conformities” (NC) , but in particular for having been congratulated by Auditors  from CSQA for the work we have done on all aspects regarding the current COVID-19 emergency.

This great result has been possible thanks to all our staff members, who every day use their know-how to support and upgrade our HSE System, as well as all to those who are contributing individually, last but not least by complying with the standards stipulated by the System in question.


Brands Planet
SDG 08: Decent work and economic growth

Cannamela launches the first line of Fairtrade-certified spices

Cannamela, a leading spice producer, has launched the first line of spices certified by Fairtrade, a brand name which is acknowledged all over the world, thus adding value to the supply chain and highlighting the topics of environmental sustainability and social accountability.

A careful selection of raw materials, from Sri Lanka, has resulted in a range consisting of four products, available in the iconic Cannamela black jar: Black Pepper, Ginger, Turmeric and Cinnamon.

The project stems from the partnership between Cannamela and Fairtrade Italia; its aim is to enhance the role of individuals, helping small farmers in developing countries to build a better future, through fairer trade conditions.

This non-profit organisation is committed to guaranteeing a minimum price for small-scale spice producers, calculated to cover sustainable production costs, independent of market fluctuations; this helps improve their living conditions, as well as supporting their growth and progress.

In addition, producer organisations are awarded the Fairtrade Prize, to be invested in products of their choice, for example implementing best practices in farming and funding for schools, or the development of businesses to support household incomes: one of the initiatives, for example, is a seamstress school where women from producer cooperatives can learn a trade and earn a living.

Cannamela Fairtrade: one more chance for the consumer to make a difference, without giving up on the taste and quality of Cannamela spices.

Group People
SDG 08: Decent work and economic growth

Valuing human resources

Each day Gruppo Montenegro strives to bring the market products of outstanding quality and guaranteed safety, well aware that it could never succeed in this goal without the contribution of hundreds of people who do their job on a daily basis with unfailing passion, commitment and professionalism.

The Company has always worked to ensure that relations between human resources at every level are based on trust and support, with mutual respect for roles and responsibilities, and it takes all measures necessary to maximise individual contributions.

People is the term including all social sustainability initiatives promoted by Gruppo Montenegro for the benefit of individuals.

Group Territory People

Gruppo Montenegro supports “Un piatto per tutti”, a food bank project for the Metropolitan City of Bologna

Un Piatto per Tutti is a food bank established through the community social Fund DARE PER FARE, a metropolitan welfare project inaugurated in December 2020 by the Local Social and Health Conference in the Metropolitan City of Bologna. The purpose is to provide a timely and prompt response to the needs of the most vulnerable groups.

Un piatto per tutti has three main goals:

  • Counteracting food shortage
  • Limiting food waste
  • Harnessing the ability to respond by persons or organisations (Caritas, charity shops, associations, …) that distribute staple goods and groceries, thus helping the creation of a city-wide network

Support to this project by Gruppo Montenegro – between June 2024 and April 2025 – entails four donations of Food products to the 76 collection points selected for the project throughout the seven districts of the Metropolitan City of Bologna, all of them engaged in counteracting food shortage.

In June this year the first 18,000 boxes of products branded Bonomelli, Cannamela, Cuore, Polenta Valsugana and Thè Infrè were delivered.

This gives a new lease on life to items no longer sellable through retail channels, although they are perfectly fit for purpose (e.g. those approaching their sell-by date, that have changed label, etc.).

By joining this project Gruppo Montenegro has become a socially engaged company in the Greater Bologna area.

Thanks to the support received so far, every month the Un Piatto per Tutti network is able to provide food for an average of 850 households, approximately 2,000 adults and 1,050 children in total.

In the year 2023 every month 2,845 households benefited from our donations, more specifically the 9,487 people, approximately 5,661 adults and 3,826 children.

Group Territory People

San Lazzaro “Città ad Impatto Positivo”: Positive Impact city

Gruppo Montenegro has always been close to all the Institutions and local Communities where its people and Plants are operating, because – in our view – any enterprise should share the value it produces with its major Stakeholders.

A community thrives on relationships, and we regard it as essential to consider the needs of our area. We have, therefore, decided to join San Lazzaro Città ad Impatto Positivo: Positive Impact City, a project focused on people and on harnessing aspects we believe are fundamental, most notably education and inclusivity.

This project will allow us to support the advancement of our region and of our communities in the following sectors, in a proactive way:

  • Social – the Municipality of San Lazzaro di Savena now has a vehicle equipped to transport persons with mobility impairments.
  • Cultural – Students from the CNOS-FAP Salesiani in San Lazzaro di Savena attended a Training session focused on inclusivity and social accountability. They will also take part in a contest to set up a project aimed at improving life in their hometowns.
  • Environmental – urban forests will be created by planting trees.

To find out more: San Lazzaro di Savena Città ad Impatto Positivo 2024

Watch the video-message from Gruppo Montenegro:

Group Awards People

Gruppo Montenegro is now certified with regard to Gender Equality!

We are proud to announce that, on 28th September, all Gruppo Montenegro sites based in Italy were awarded the certification in terms of gender equality according to the UNI/PdR 125:2022 standard.

The Accredia register shows that we are currently the #1 Spirits company and one of the first in the Food sector in Italy to be certified.

In this way we have “systematised” our various actions within a wide-ranging programme to support Gender Diversity, something we have been committed to since as far back as 2020.

In particular the auditors have positively mentioned our pragmatic approach, for the high-end solutions we have implemented, the cohesion of our team, as well as the vision and strategy behind this project.

This certification is aimed at “voicing” in a determined way the policies, practices, projects, culture and values we have established over time; it is also an important recognition of our leading market position, making us more competitive and attractive for all our stakeholders.

It is the first milestone on a route that we intend to pursue with a sense of commitment and responsibility.

You can find the full press release here

Group Awards People

Cookery classes with Polenta Valsugana and Cannamela

Starting in September, for 10 months, Cannamela and Polenta Valsugana products will feature prominently in 25 cookery schools throughout Italy, with more than 30,000 people attending; as well as learning about the characteristics and qualities of our products, they will be trying their hand at a wide range of recipes with Polenta Valsugana and Cannamela herbs and spices.

Each school will offer insights regarding many varieties of polenta and spices, as well as raw materials and how they can be used in the kitchen, with a view to involving participants and showcasing the value and versatility of our products.

In this way the classes will serve as actual content creators, through the production of photo and video footage of recipes created by the students and of all the didactic activities posted on their respective digital media.

In addition to many contents on our brand channels, the project will also be covered by Frigo Magazine (, with our project being featured in its digital weekly, social media and an episode in its dedicated Frigo Podcast.

Follow this link to check out the project and the schools involved for Polenta Valsugana
Follow this link to check out the project and the schools involved for Spezie Cannamela.

Group Territory People

Zola Predosa: is “Città ad Impatto Positivo”: Positive Impact city

Gruppo Montenegro has always been close to all the Institutions and local Communities where its people and Plants are operating, because – in our view – any enterprise should share the value it produces with its major Stakeholders.

All the special initiatives to which we sign up are implemented in partnership with local government authorities wherever our plants are based; this is also true in the case of the project conducted with the Municipality of Zola Predosa: Zola Città ad Impatto Positivo, which we have decided to sponsor.
This also allows us to help harness the value of our communities, because the wellbeing of individuals is undoubtedly and closely related to caring for the environment and for social utility.

What does it mean to be a city with a positive impact?
Generating a Positive Impact by designing Green and Social Utility projects.

The project POSITIVE-IMPACT CITIES, which the Municipality of Zola Predosa has joined with the support of our Group, is designed to support and manage community-minded projects and services, based on establishing a strong network between Society, Organisations and individuals who decide to work together for one shared purpose: enhancing the life of all citizens, especially of the most vulnerable.

The Municipality will invest resources at local level on environmental, social, cultural or training projects, with a view to making places more comfortable and inclusive for everyone, thereby:

  • Safeguarding and caring for the environment
  • Ensuring the mobility of fragile persons
  • Promoting inclusion and socialising
  • Fostering Community – Enterprise relationships
  • Improving health through prevention and therapies
  • Assisting elderly and vulnerable persons
  • Promoting Community studies through activities in schools.

The first concrete actions involve means of transport for persons who are fragile or with disabilities, and establishing a scholarship named after our Group for the next school year.

To find out more: Zola Predosa Città ad Impatto Positivo 2023

Watch the video-message from Gruppo Montenegro:

Group People

Integratori Bonomelli partners at the 2023 Run for Inclusion

Bonomelli plant food supplements will feature at the second edition of Run for Inclusion, a non-competitive race to be held in Milan on Sunday, the 24th of September, starting from the Arco della Pace then continuing along the streets of the city.

Run for Inclusion is an event celebrating the uniqueness of each individual, open to everyone willing to share the importance of values such as diversity, inclusion and sustainability… fundamental principles also at Gruppo Montenegro, resulting in a better environment and future for individuals and communities!

The race will cover 7.24 km, a distance symbolising the commitment to overcome – 7 days out of 7, 24 hours a day – any type of discrimination. Along the route, participants will be involved in a variety of entertaining and engaging activities.

The partnership between Bonomelli and Run for Inclusion, apart from the visibility being given to our materials on-field and online, will entail a Bonomelli food supplement leaflet in the race kit handed out to each participant. Our leaflet includes a stick package of Integratori Bonomelli and a discount coupon on the next purchase.

Group People

Always close to Emilia Romagna

Our ongoing support for Emilia-Romagna, the home of our Group.

After the donations we made to the Municipalities of San Lazzaro di Savena and Ozzano dell’Emilia, as well as Regione Emilia Romagna through the Concert “Oltre le nuvole”, now some of our products Bonomelli, Cuore and Cannamela will be donated to people hit by the flooding.

More than 20 pallets are intended for Caritas, to distribute them as concrete aid in the region.

We are proud to be able to contribute by supporting the local Institutions and Communities where we operate with our People and our Plants; indeed, our way of understanding and doing business is based on sharing value with our main Stakeholders.

Group Territory People
SDG 15: Life on land

Gruppo Montenegro for Emilia-Romagna

The Emilia-Romagna region has been home to Gruppo Montenegro since 1885; harnessing and helping it in its progress is at the core of our corporate sustainability and responsibility vision.

Over the past few weeks, the population in this area has suffered an unprecedented calamity.
We are working side by side with the Municipalities of San Lazzaro di Savena and Ozzano dell’Emilia, with the Emilia-Romagna regional government and other local institutions, as well as with all those who are making a concrete effort to support people in Emilia and Romagna.

We are also proud supporters of OltreLeNuvole (, a charity concert, featuring 25 famous artists from the Italian music scene, under the patronage of the Emilia-Romagna region, of the Municipality of Bologna and of Bologna UNESCO Creative City of Music; all its proceeds will be used for the fund raising project by the Emilia-Romagna regional government in aid of populations in the flooded areas.
Stand proud Emilia-Romagna: all together, we can rise again.

Group Territory People

Our Christmas donation is now a reality

Quality of life, any time of the day: for people and local communities.

Our Christmas donation, following a recommendation by the Municipality of Dolzago, where our Bonomelli plant operates, has been allocated in support of two local organisations:

  • the nursery school “V.Bonacina” in Dolzago, which has used our donation to buy a sandbox installed in the outdoor areas used for recreation and games of its young pupils
  • the Association Il Girasole, in Dolzago, a service whose goal is integration and support for the quality of life of persons with disabilities and their involvement as active members of their community. We have given them personal computers with a workstation and laptop, installed in their offices
Group Territory People

The students of Istituto Agrario Serpieri hosted at our plant in San Lazzaro

In March 2023 we hosted in our San Lazzaro plant a group of 3rd and 4th year students from the Istituto Agrario Serpieri upper secondary school in Loiano (Bologna).

The two school classes had the chance to get to know the Group through a short presentation, to visit the Cellars and the Production Lines and to taste our Food products through a Sensory Class.

The students showed great interest and curiosity with regard to Gruppo Montenegro and we are proud to have contributed to their education, given that their school syllabus includes subjects related to raw material processing, crop production and agricultural biotechnologies in agrifood companies.

Brands Taste People
SDG 03: Good health and well-being

Cuore Nutrition Academy

Because of its dedicated and constant commitment in the medical-scientific sector, over the years Cuore has established a relationship based on trust with doctors and nutrition experts. The Cuore Nutrition Academy it promotes research and scientific culture about nutrition and wellbeing. Finally, Cuore works with experts for the professional advancement of doctors and nutrition experts about the most advanced scientific data in the area of cardiovascular fitness.

For more information:

Group Awards People
SDG 05: Gender Equality

Gruppo Montenegro is awarded the IDEM certification for gender equality

IDEM is an innovative university start-up, whose aim is to accelerate the path of all organisations committed to achieving Gender Equality.

IDEM has developed an instrument to measure at certifying gender equality achievements on the workplace (IDEM index) based on a rigorous and “data driven” method (i.e. using objective data), which takes into account four fundamental corporate dimensions: career, salary, organization and culture. The project started in 2020, in partnership with the Marco Biagi Foundation at Università Degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia and with the Job Pricing Observatory, to participate in the design and validation of a new certification aimed at actively contributing to achieving Objective 5 of the UN 2030 Agenda.

«The first step towards gender equality – according to Federico Ferri, Senior Partner at IDEM – consists in measuring it and acknowledging its benchmarks. In this regard, the method used by IDEM has the aim of transforming into measurable objectives the actions in support of gender equality, in a way that is very similar to the procedure used for business goals. This approach consists in enabling improvement actions and quantifying their effects, to generate effective change within companies and achieving true gender equality».

This outcome proves to what extent Gruppo Montenegro, also thanks to its instruments facilitating work-life balance, is an enterprise keen on promoting policies that guarantee gender equality every day at the corporate level.

The certification is also a tool that will help us identify new intervention priorities and establish specific action plans to continue our progress towards “gender equality”, being aware of our achievements so far and of the steps we still need to take.

Cristina Danelatos, HR & Digital Innovation Director:

«Inclusion and equality are Gruppo Montenegro’s principles which help us create an environment and a future which are better for our people, consumers, partners, and the communities where we operate. The IDEM certification, thanks to its rigorous scientific-methodological approach, is an important instrument for us to boost gender equality within our organisation».

Group Territory People
SDG 03: Good health and well-being

Bonomelli for the community: a vehicle for the Municipality of Lecco

On 9 October 2021 a new minivan for community transport made available for the provincial association Auser was delivered to the “Casa della Solidarietà e della Terza Età” in San Giovanni, Lecco.

Fitted out for transporting and accompanying persons with motor disabilities, it will be used in order to respond to the increasing demand for support by the most vulnerable segments of the general population and by the Municipality for its social services.

As Gruppo Montenegro – Bonomelli Food Division we have contributed to fitting out this vehicle.

As a matter of fact, we believe that the public and private sector are called more and more to build synergies with a view to responding to needs and requests on the part of local communities.

Group Brands People
SDG 05: Gender Equality

A dragonfly in Bonomelli’s Atelier

The 25th of November, a date chosen as the international day for the elimination of violence against women, is approaching; Bonomelli supports Fondazione Libellula in its awareness-raising and information projects, with a view to building a new culture based on respect.

For the whole month of November, Bonomelli – in partnership with Fondazione Libellula – will focus on the fight against gender-related violence in its Atelier della Natura in Corso Garibaldi, Milan.

To help this project, in our Store, there will be materials displaying the dragonfly symbol, and free donations will be possible in support of the projects run by the Foundation.

Brands Territory People
SDG 10: Reduced inequalities

Cuore supports the project “Road to Rome”

There are stories that are worth telling and supporting… one of them is that of Bernardo Bernardini, a very young airline pilot who – when he was only 19, following an accident while training – risked never being able to walk again.

Recovering from such an accident has been no mean feat, however Bernardo finally succeeded! And in order to prove that you should never give up, he has become a Triathlete, competing in a sport which combines swimming, cycling and running.

This is the concept behind the 4ALL project, aimed at promoting sport as something truly inclusive, within everyone’s reach; in 2019 it resulted in the event “Road to Rome”, a cycling route which Bernardo has decided to complete in order to bring a universal message of integration and courage, showing that in life you can actually achieve goals which were considered impossible.

This year Cuore, a brand which has always promoted physical exercise combined with a healthy diet as a valuable tool for everyone, regardless of age and physical abilities, has decided to support the project entitled Road to Rome 2021, whose aim includes raising funds for Leonardo, a 17-year old boy who has been diagnosed with Ewing’s sarcoma, a highly aggressive form of bone cancer requiring an extremely complex and expensive physiotherapy protocol for neuro-rehabilitation.

The race started on the 23rd of June and Bernardo – having travelled 776 kilometres and burned almost 20.000 calories – arrived in Rome on Tuesday 29th June, completing the third edition of Road to Rome 2021, passing the Coliseum and several other iconic places in the Eternal City, meeting many important personalities along the way, thus making his message of integration and inclusiveness sound loud and clear.

We cannot help feeling proud of having stood by him during the Road to Rome 2021 race, conveying such a significant message of inclusiveness and integration.

Group People
SDG 04: Quality education

Gruppo Montenegro supports

According to a recent survey by ISTAT (the Italian National Statistics Institute), as many as 33.8% of households do not have a pc or tablet available, while 57% of children have to share one computer with the rest of the family. This issue goes beyond the need which has been highlighted by the Covid-19 pandemic; indeed education is bound to become increasingly digitised, which means that students will be needing more and more online supports for their schoolwork.

During the lockdown period, four teenagers from Milan decided to set up, a non-profit project whose purpose is to help deal with this problem. is a web platform designed to connect students who need a device (PC or Tablet) for online learning with individuals or companies wishing to donate functioning second-hand devices.

… and Gruppo Montenegro has chosen to support this project by donating its stock of unused laptops.

Online learning is everyone’s right!

For more information, follow the link

Group People
SDG 05: Gender Equality

We change culture with Fondazione Libellula

Gruppo Montenegro has become part of the Network of Fondazione Libellula, a group of companies which have agreed to become ambassadors of an inclusive culture, resulting in sensitivity and courage. Why Libellula (“Dragonfly”)? This animal spends most of its life at the bottom of a pond, then finally emerges from the mud and learns to fly. It has thus become a symbol of transformation, of the constant process of change, freedom and balance. Why the colour red? Apart from being a symbol of the fight against violence, red also stands for vital energy and willpower.

Being “the only one there” is still a common experience for many women on the workplace: one woman out of five says she is often the only female, or one of the few, in the room, and this is twice as frequent with regard to senior positions or technical professions. Talent, performance and aptness are the only factors that count. This is our company. These are our people. This is why we have decided to join the Fondazione Libellula network.

For more information, follow the link

Group Awards People
SDG 15: Life on land

Our Plants in Zola, Cannamela and Dolzago obtain the UNI ISO 45001:2018 certification as well as the UNI ISO 14001:2015 certification renewal

Another significant achievement as part of our HSE development plan!

Over the past few weeks a scheduled audit on the Dolzago plant has been performed by CSQA, also including Bonomelli Srl in the process of Occupational Health & Safety System certification (UNI ISO 45001:2018 standard) and Environmental Management certification renewal (UNI ISO 14001:2015 standard) for Gruppo Montenegro, which is now complete.

As in the case of Zola – Cannamela Division – and of the Montenegro Srl plants, we are particularly satisfied and proud of this further result, also because, here again, the Auditors at CSQA have complimented us for the effort made over the past few years, which has allowed the HSE Management System to grow and develop according to the requirements of Gruppo Montenegro.


Group Awards People
SDG 15: Life on land

Our plants in San Lazzaro, Teramo and Foggia obtain the UNI ISO 45001:2018 certification as well as the UNI ISO 14001:2015 certification renewal.

A new goal has been reached in the HSE area… or rather, three!!!

Montenegro Group is carrying on its Occupational Health & Safety System Certification process according to the new reference Standard UNI ISO 45001: 2018, as well as the Environmental Certification renewal process according to Standard UNI ISO 14001: 2015.

Over the last few weeks, the certifying body CSQA has carried out its periodic audit of the HSE Integrated Management System at the plants of San Lazzaro, Teramo and Foggia.

As it had happened with the Group Headquarters, also in this case we feel particularly satisfied and proud of this result as well as of the renewed appreciation received from CSQA Auditors who, referring to the plants in Teramo and Foggia, pointed out that over the years Montenegro Group has strengthened its presence even at the ‘more peripheral’ sites.

Like for all other goals achieved in the past, also this further big result was possible thanks to all our collaborators -who use their know-how every day to support the HSE System and make it develop- and to anybody who made their personal contribution just by complying with all the System requirements.

Brands People
SDG 15: Life on land

DTP 030 and DTP 096 Certification Renewal Audit for Olio Cuore

Olio Cuore has passed the audit for the renewal of Product Certifications NON-GMO DTP 030 and DTP 096: Corn seed oil with a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitaminised, with a minimum content of polyunsaturated fatty acids equal to 56% of vitamin E -equal to 80 mg/100 g- and vitamin B6 -equal to 1 mg/100 g.

This renewal confirms that Olio Cuore is obtained from non-genetically modified corn, it has a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids and it is vitaminised.

The certification process had a very positive outcome -all the requirements were met- but that is not all: the certifying body CSQA also made positive comments about Olio Cuore production handling during the COVID-19 emergency.

This is further confirmation of the great importance Montenegro Group places on its products’ quality and safety, two key elements for all our brands.


Group Territory People
SDG 04: Quality education

Gruppo Montenegro has received from the Town Council of Zola Predosa, special recognition to companies which have stood out during the emergency

Group Awards People
SDG 08: Decent work and economic growth

Our Headquarters are now certified according to the UNI ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System, and their UNI ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Certification has been confirmed

Even during this complex management phase associated with the Covid-19  health emergency, the substantial effort deployed by Gruppo Montenegro on the HSE front has allowed us to make a big step forward.

Over the past few weeks, CSQA has audited the Group’s Headquarters, in Zola Predosa (Bologna),in respect of our HSE integrated management system. This is the first step in 2020 towards certification of the Group’s Occupational Health & Safety System in all our plants according to the new UNI ISO 45001:2018 reference Standard, as well as for renewal of our Environmental Certification according to the UNI ISO 14001:2015 Standard.

We are especially proud and satisfied of having achieved this result, not only because the report does not include any”Non Conformities” (NC) , but in particular for having been congratulated by Auditors  from CSQA for the work we have done on all aspects regarding the current COVID-19 emergency.

This great result has been possible thanks to all our staff members, who every day use their know-how to support and upgrade our HSE System, as well as all to those who are contributing individually, last but not least by complying with the standards stipulated by the System in question.


Group Territory People
SDG 04: Quality education

Gruppo Montenegro has joined the charity project ‘Buoni e Vicini’ run by the Municipality of Zola Predosa (BO)

‘Buoni e Vicini’ is a project promoted by the Municipality of Zola Predosa (BO) to support citizens who are in financial straits resulting from the Coronavirus emergency in buying foodstuffs.

The Municipality will periodically allocate food vouchers to citizens, who will be able to use them to shop from the stores around the area that have joined the initiative.

50 families will receive help thanks to Gruppo Montenegro’s contribution to the project: yet another proof of Gruppo Montenegro’s commitment to stand by the local community it has always been intimately bound to.



Group Territory People
SDG 04: Quality education

Bonomelli has joined ‘Solidalitaly’: Italian leading food companies’ support to Italian families in need

The current emergency can only be tackled by staying united and with everybody’s contribution. This is the idea behind ‘Solidalitaly’ (‘Italian Solidarity’), a joint solidarity project promoted by the Consortium ‘Italia del Gusto’ (‘Taste of Italy’), which groups together Italy’s major food companies.

A total of 20.000 food parcels will be prepared, containing an assortment of food products of the main companies in the Consortium. The first 10.000 are already being delivered free of charge – through the Caritas network and the retail chain Conad – in some of the areas that have been most affected by the crisis triggered by the Coronavirus.

Bonomelli has joined in with its Polenta Valsugana, Pizza Catarì and Spezie Cannamela brands, providing products that are part of our common identity. A small gesture to bring a smile through such hard times.

For further information:,




Group Territory People
SDG 04: Quality education

Gruppo Montenegro supports “Cinema Dis|Chiuso” (Dis|Closed Cinema) by Cinema Orione in Bologna

The concept behind the project is not to break off the rituality of “going to the movies” as a chance to meet, at a certain time, and to share culture during such a difficult and delicate period for all. If the cinema as a physical site is closed, the idea is to open an online movie theatre, free of charge, where you can watch films in streaming from home. Technology can help with that!

Gruppo Montenegro is sponsoring this initiative; for details check out the Cinema Orione website ( to “go to the movies”, you just need to subscribe to the newsletter and you will get your access credentials for the programme of the week-end and of the next few days.

Enjoy the show!

Group Territory People
SDG 03: Good health and well-being

Gruppo Montenegro supports the Emilia-Romagna region Protezione Civile (civil defence) and the Papa Giovanni XXIII hospital in Bergamo

Brands Awards People
SDG 15: Life on land

Bonomelli Dolzago confirms its FSSC 22000 Food Safety certification

On the 4th and 5th of September, at the Bonomelli factory in Dolzago, the audit for renewal of the FSSC 22000 (Food Safety System Certification) and ISO 22000 standard certification has taken place.

The FSSC 22000 standard is the most innovative, and at the same time stringent, food safety certification recognized at international level. This year the audit has been even more demanding because it came unannounced from the external certification body. This is an even greater challenge for our production factories, which need to be ready for a surprise audit at any time, without notice, in order to prove that the quality and safety of our food products is a natural result of our working processes, as well as a goal which we pursue on a daily basis.

Thanks to the teamwork of our colleagues from Quality Assurance and Control, as well as from the whole Operations department, also this year we have maintained a high performance level; this has allowed us to pass the audit by the external control body which has confirmed our certification.

Group People
SDG 08: Decent work and economic growth

Valuing human resources

Each day Gruppo Montenegro strives to bring the market products of outstanding quality and guaranteed safety, well aware that it could never succeed in this goal without the contribution of hundreds of people who do their job on a daily basis with unfailing passion, commitment and professionalism.

The Company has always worked to ensure that relations between human resources at every level are based on trust and support, with mutual respect for roles and responsibilities, and it takes all measures necessary to maximise individual contributions.
Group People
SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production

Responsible alcohol consumption

Through its communication and advertising activities, Gruppo Montenegro has always been committed to presenting a fair and balanced image of alcohol consumption.

The main reference brands – Amaro Montenegro and Vecchia Romagna – have always been presented and promoted in a way that seeks to convey certain values, namely commitment, solidarity and collaboration.The aim of this approach is to promote consumption patterns that are far removed from any type of excess or misuse. Indeed, while the Group is mindful of the fact that it is an economic entity with a duty to create value for its shareholders, it is also committed to expanding its customer base, promoting convivial enjoyment and consumption of alcohol.

Planet is the term including all environmental sustainability initiatives promoted by Gruppo Montenegro in order to protect and safeguard the planet.

Brands Planet

Select Aperitivo enters the ecoSPIRITS world!

ecoSPIRITS is an innovative system for circular distribution based on the first technology developed in the world to eliminate the use of disposable glass for spirits, thus substantially reducing both the amount of waste and the packaging costs, as well as curtailing CO2 emissions.

SmartPour is the ecoSPIRITS technology designed for the safe and hygienic transfer of alcoholic beverages from ecoTOTEs, returnable containers, to reusable glass bottles or directly to serving glasses, guaranteeing easier dosing and support in waste-free cocktail preparation.

The ecoSPIRITS system is present today in over 11 countries and in 30 cities throughout the Asia-Pacific region, Europe and the Americas. More than one thousand iconic bars rewarded with the World’s 50 Best and Asia’s 50 Best award, Michelin-starred restaurants and prestigious hotels have embraced this solution.

We have chosen to enter the ecoSPIRITS world with Select Aperitivo in order to state our position as Premium Aperitif on the international market and to offer an Original Venetian Spritz experience to our consumers that is top-of-the-range as well as sustainable.

Today you can get Select Aperitivo served with the ecoSPIRITS system in France.

Thanks to this partnership we have cut our CO2 footprint by 550g every 700 ml of product (1 bottle); moreover we have reduced by 95.9% our packaging waste.

Brands Planet
SDG 15: Life on land

Did you know that Bonomelli loves the environment?

Any material the pack of our Herbal Teas and Infusions is made of is 100% recyclable
Our plant is powered by electricity coming 100% from renewable sources
There is no cellophane in the packs of our Herbal Teas and Infusions, which means a saving of 2 tons plastic per year.

Group Planet
SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production

5th February 2022: an important date for us and for the future of our planet!

Saturday 5 February will be the National Day for the Prevention of Food Waste, but not only… on that date the Pact against Food Waste promoted by Too Good To Go, which Gruppo Montenegro has also signed, celebrates its first birthday.

Counteracting food waste is the top-ranking solution to fight climate change and keep the increase in temperatures by the end of the century below 2°C, thus limiting the damage caused by climate change to humans and the environment. Indeed, everyone’s commitment is essential in order to achieve this ambitious objective, also set out by the United Nation in its Agenda 2030, to halve food waste per capita in retail and by consumers, as well as to reduce food waste all along the supply chain by 2030.

Our contribution, together with our partner Too Good To Go and other companies which have joined the Pact, has already led to several concrete outcomes:

  • 368,000 Magic Boxes distributed
  • 212,000 products saved
  • 10,000,000 packages with a more detailed explanation of the Awareness Label on the shelves
  • 1,500,000 people, including employees and consumers, involved in webinars, events and communication campaigns
  • 145,000 € worth of food products saved and given to the most fragile individuals.

These figures make us proud, however we do not see it as a final achievement; on the contrary; our commitment to this issue, which is becoming increasingly topical and urgent for consumers, companies and the environment, will become even stronger and more concrete.

Read the press release here.

Group Planet
SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production

September 29th: an important day for us and for the future of our planet!

Wednesday, September 29th is the second International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste, established by the United Nations.

Wasting food, means also wasting all the resources used to produce it such as water, land, and energy, with negative impacts on our health, from an ethical and a social point of view, and on our planet’s wellbeing.

This relation represents a turning point to start rethinking the impact of our actions on the environment.

Gruppo Montenegro is doing it! We joined the Pact against Food Waste, created by Too Good To Go to raise awareness amongst society and to take actions and seek solutions to tackle food waste.

A concrete action is in place in all our Company’s Restaurant together with our partner CIR Food, starting right from today, September 29th.

Group Planet
SDG 08: Decent work and economic growth

Sustainability and future

Sustainability is not just a priority: it’s an integral part of Gruppo Montenegro’s future. And also entails making things happen.

Cristina Danelatos, our HR & Corporate Communication Director, has talked to Food about the strategies selected by Gruppo Montenegro in respect of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals included in the UN’s Agenda 2030.

Food is the most important specialised magazine for industries and retailers in the Food & Beverage sector. Here the link to the interview.

Group Planet
SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production

For a planet without food waste

Did you know that…:

  • 1/3 of the food produced (for human consumption) worldwide is thrown away before it reaches the table (source: FAO, Global Food Losses and Food Waste, 2011)
  • 3 billion tons of edible food are thrown away every year in the world (source: FAO, Global Food Losses and Food Waste, 2011)
  • 88 million tons of food are thrown away every year in Europe, of which 53% in the household (source: EU Fusions, Estimates of European food waste levels, 2016)
  • 40% of waste in industrialised countries is concentrated during the distribution and consumption phase (FAO, Make Not wasting a Way of Life, 2016)
  • 8-10% of emissions at global level are caused by food waste (if it were a country, in a country ranking, it would be third after China and USA) (source: FAO, Food Wastage Footprint: Impacts on Natural Resources, Summary Report, 2013)

The fight against food waste involves communities all over the world. Also the UN has added to its Sustainable Development Objectives – in the Sustainable Change section – the target of halving food waste worldwide, both at retail and consumer level, as well as of reducing food losses along the production chain, including the post-harvest phases.

Every small action can make a difference!

Gruppo Montenegro has decided to join the Pact against Food Waste, launched by the association Too Good To Go on the occasion of the nationwide Day against Food Waste, on the 5th of February.

Too Good To Go, with which we are already partnered through our Atelier della Natura Bonomelli, which donates its leftovers every day to be used as Magic Boxes, was established in 2015 in Denmark for the purpose of counteracting food waste.

Their app is present in 15 countries (Europe and United States), it has more than 50 million users, and allows shops and companies to collect and sell online their food leftovers (“too good to go”!) to make Magic Boxes, i.e. “doggy bags” with a surprise selection of fresh products and dishes which cannot be sold the next day.

The Pact will be launched on the occasion of the Day for Prevention of Food Waste, scheduled for the 5th of February this year; it is a virtuous alliance between companies, supermarkets and consumers, with a view to bringing down food wastage rates over the next three years through concrete actions and initiatives at all levels of the agri-food chain.

Read the news here.

Read more about the pact:

Brands Planet
SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production

Bonomelli: together we can fight food waste

Have you ever wondered where the all remainders of the day end up? Through #AtelierDellaNaturaBonomelli we have decided to join the project Too Good To Go, the app which allows you to buy our magic box products at a very convenient price.

Together we can fight food waste: check out our Atelier on the Too Good To Go app!

Group Planet
SDG 15: Life on land

Let’s protect our planet, page by page

We have moved another step forward towards a #GreenCompany plan: in all our Plants we will be printing on “Multicopy Zero” paper, with a neutral and sustainable carbon footprint, totally chlorine-free and with 100% recyclable packaging.

Compared to the past, the use of “Multycopy Zero” Carbon Neutral certified paper will lead to us saving  4,515 Kg of CO2, that is to say 34,700 Km travelled in a car.

The issue of sustainability is one of the main pillars at Gruppo Montenegro: choosing “Multicopy Zero” as paper for all our printers we help protect our planet, page by page.

Brands Planet
SDG 15: Life on land

Thè Infrè supports Rainforest Alliance

Certified crops: Thé Infrè is at the forefront of sustainable development, environmentally-friendly values and biodiversity conservation, today more than ever. This is the reason behind the collaboration established with the association Rainforest Alliance, whose mission is to ensure production sustainability through the conscious use of natural resources, respecting people and the environment. Farmers and producers are provided with detailed guidelines and parameters to comply with in order to guarantee the highest possible degree of safety and quality.

Tea leaves contained in all Thé Infré Classico and flavoured Thé Infré filters come from Rainforest Alliance certified farms.

This means that we collaborate with Rainforest Alliance to support tea growers’ rights and wellbeing, natural resources conservation and the protection of the fauna and the environment.

Find out more: 


Group Territory Planet
SDG 04: Quality education

Montenegro Group supports FAI

Gruppo Montenegro renews its support for FAI – The Italian Environmental Trust- also for 2020 and it joins the Corporate Golden Donor membership programme.

The landscape and cultural heritage which FAI protects and promotes represents an asset that has no parallel in the world, as well as a fundamental resource for investment to revive, develop and promote our Country.

FAI’s commitment is aimed at: protecting Italy’s awe-inspiring artistic, natural and cultural jewels while making them accessible to everybody; educating and raising awareness within the community about the importance of knowing about, respecting and taking care of art and nature; acting as a mouthpiece for civil society demands by monitoring and being actively involved in the territory.

Cultural heritage has a great value for local communities. In this respect, companies can play a decisive role in handling social, cultural and environmental problems. Gruppo Montenegro is no exception: since our foundation, we have always been closely bound to our territory and community.

Quality of life any time of the day.

Group Planet
SDG 15: Life on land

Smart Printing: a new digital solution for Service, Security and Sustainability whenever we print

The ‘Smart Printing’ project is part of the digitalisation process that Montenegro Group is undertaking in all its business areas and further evidence of its firm commitment to environmental sustainability.

The project entails replacing current printers with latest-generation ones in all the plants.

What do the ‘3 Ss’ underpinning the project stand for?

  • Service: everybody, even external guests, will be able to send files from their PCs, Smartphones or Tablets to any of the company printers, without having to go through the printer set-up procedure on their device.
  • Security: any printing request will have to be confirmed by using any of the company printers to introduce one’s own PIN, or by using one’s own badge or smartphone for user recognition.
  • Sustainability: all printers will use only FSC-certified or recycled paper and black/white double-sided printing will be the default setting. These simple settings will allow us to save about 180k sheets per year, equal to 2.5 trees, and they will cut toner consumption by 50%, significantly reducing our environmental impact in terms of consumption and disposal. Finally, all printers will allow energy savings of 24% each year, as certified by Energy Star.

A further step forward in the domains of #DigitalTransformation and #GreenCompany, two pillars of our way of working.


Group Planet
SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production

Certified sustainable transport: Gruppo Montenegro joins Mercitalia Fast

Within its wider corporate commitment to environmental sustainability, Gruppo Montenegro has joined Mercitalia Fast, the high-speed rail freight transport service that has obtained UNI EN ISO 14064-1: 2019 certification. This certification measures the climate footprint by assessing the quantities of greenhouse gases (GHG) produced and by demonstrating a responsible approach towards the environment.

“The decision to get on the Mercitalia Fast’s high speed is part of the Group’s plan to continue along the path towards the environmental sustainability – commented Marco Ferrari, CEO of Gruppo Montenegro – and we are very glad to have joined this service because it is through simple and concrete actions like this that we want to make a difference”.

The versatility of the service makes it possible to bring together companies of different activities and goods transported, who share trust in Mercitalia Fast, a service that guarantees high percentages of reliability and punctuality, with an eye that is always attentive to sustainability and the well-being of the environment.

Find out more:

Group Planet
SDG 15: Life on land

Gruppo Montenegro: the goal is #GreenCompany

The group from Bologna, market leader in the food and liqueur sector, is speeding up in terms of sustainable development by getting rid of plastic and encouraging separate waste collection on all its premises.


Zola Predosa (BO), 2nd October 2019 – Gruppo Montenegro aims at becoming increasingly green and launches its new environmental sustainability path, developed along several corporate lines, starting with two initiatives: #PlasticFreeCompany and #100%Recycle.

“Our vision ‘Quality of life anytime of the day’ means making sustainable decisions and choosing behaviours which reflect this vision every day”, says Marco Ferrari, CEO at Gruppo Montenegro. “This is why we have started to pave the way for a new path which will lead us to becoming more and more a ‘Green Company’, by starting the first projects within our workspaces. They include basic and concrete actions because we believe that what we do every day can truly make a difference”.

More specifically, the goal of the first project, called #PlasticFreeCompany, is to get rid of all the plastic which is used for beverages on the Group’s premises, thanks to the installation of machines for pipeline water filtering: in this way you have quality drinking water, free of charge and available for everyone, using paper cups or stainless steel flasks which we provide for our staff. Moreover, the cups and plastic spoons for coffee vending machines will be replaced with paper cups, wooden spoons and ceramic mugs for herb teas and infusions.

#100%Recycle, on the other hand, is an initiative aimed at encouraging separate waste collection, by placing new branded containers in all common spaces in offices and factories, thus getting rid of all litter bins on the premises. This is also expected to allow for more efficient collection operations, as well as to encourage greater use of recycled materials to protect the environment.

It is sustainability path in respect of which all the employees at Gruppo Montenegro are involved.

Brands Planet
SDG 08: Decent work and economic growth

Cannamela launches the first line of Fairtrade-certified spices

Cannamela, a leading spice producer, has launched the first line of spices certified by Fairtrade, a brand name which is acknowledged all over the world, thus adding value to the supply chain and highlighting the topics of environmental sustainability and social accountability.

A careful selection of raw materials, from Sri Lanka, has resulted in a range consisting of four products, available in the iconic Cannamela black jar: Black Pepper, Ginger, Turmeric and Cinnamon.

The project stems from the partnership between Cannamela and Fairtrade Italia; its aim is to enhance the role of individuals, helping small farmers in developing countries to build a better future, through fairer trade conditions.

This non-profit organisation is committed to guaranteeing a minimum price for small-scale spice producers, calculated to cover sustainable production costs, independent of market fluctuations; this helps improve their living conditions, as well as supporting their growth and progress.

In addition, producer organisations are awarded the Fairtrade Prize, to be invested in products of their choice, for example implementing best practices in farming and funding for schools, or the development of businesses to support household incomes: one of the initiatives, for example, is a seamstress school where women from producer cooperatives can learn a trade and earn a living.

Cannamela Fairtrade: one more chance for the consumer to make a difference, without giving up on the taste and quality of Cannamela spices.

SDG 04: Quality education

Seminiamo per l’Africa

The company is aware of the daily difficulties facing some communities it interacts with, which is why it cares a great deal about increasing the effectiveness of the indirect impact that its businesses have on the growth and development of supply areas.

To achieve this, between 2011 and 2017 Cannamela launched the project “Seminiamo per l’Africa” (literally ”Sowing for Africa”).With “Seminiamo per l’Africa” Cannamela chose to increase its commitment and get involved in a major charity project for long-term agricultural development in Africa, and in 2015 it supported and cooperated with an important and respected non-profit organisation, CEFA.

Group Planet
SDG 15: Life on land

Production process management

Gruppo Montenegro’s plants, due to the very nature of the products made and the production processes employed, do not pose particularly critical problems as regards environmental impact.

Nonetheless, the Company has implemented an environmental management system at all production sites, allowing them to ensure compliance with legal requirements, but also enabling highly effective monitoring of key performance indicators for evaluating the Group’s environmental impact.The environmental management systems are subject to an annual certification audit pursuant to standard ISO 14001, carried out by a third party, in order to check continuing compliance with the voluntary certification regulations and the achievement of improvement objectives.

Group Planet
SDG 15: Life on land

Promotion of sustainability at every step of the agrifood chain

In addition to economic sustainability, Gruppo Montenegro is committed to pursuing social and environmental sustainability in its relations with all stakeholders and it undertakes to ensure a fair distribution of value throughout the supply chain.

To this end, the Company carefully oversees and controls supplies through direct action and by involving suppliers in special programmes.The main commitments promoted by the company are: soil protection, biodiversity, integrated pest management, appropriate and limited use of chemical products, protection of water resources, waste management, energy management, GM-free crops.

A school for all

A School for All is the phrase including the commitment abroad by Gruppo Montenegro to build schools and reclaim local services.