Working at Gruppo Montenegro means first of all working in a safe environment. Indeed, all our locations not only comply with legislation governing occupational health and safety, but are also certified to the voluntary international standard UNI ISO 45001.
Determined to do more, we created a benefits plan that embraces legal aspects linked to people’s lives within the company, as well as other aspects related to their personal and family lives, promoting a healthy work-life balance also taking into account how people’s needs change over time.

Our health
We cherish our employees’ and their families’ health. Gruppo Montenegro has joined a health fund that contributes to responding to any health-related needs by providing for the reimbursement of medical expenses.
For Gruppo Montenegro, health is an asset: protecting it is essential. Therefore, the time our employees devote to their own doctor’s appointments or their parents’ -if over 80- and children-up to 12 years old- will be remunerated, provided that the relevant guidelines are complied with.
The Nutrition Path we have designed includes:
- meetings with a doctor specialised in Nutrition Science and lecturer in Human Nutrition focusing on the importance of a healthy diet
- workshop with Chefs aimed at learning to select, preserve and cook the various ingredients, safeguarding the nutritional properties of these raw materials
- “walk and talk” with a trainer to highlight the importance of physical exercise

Our future
Together for a brighter future! If you invest a share of your income in the reference pension fund, the company will contribute a share too, allowing you to save on taxes today and benefit from a higher pension tomorrow.
Insieme per un futuro più sereno! Se investi una quota del tuo reddito nel fondo pensioni di riferimento, anche l’azienda contribuisce con una quota consentendoti un risparmio fiscale oggi e una pensione maggiore domani.

Our time
We believe in the need to strike the perfect balance between one’s private and professional life. Therefore Gruppo Montenegro policies include smart working and flexible working hours.
At Gruppo Montenegro we believe that the desire for parenthood must be protected and promoted. Consequently, we allow our employees to choose to work part-time, even temporarily.
At Gruppo Montenegro all new fathers are entitled to one day of paid leave to celebrate the arrival of their newborn.
It’s the same chore every year! We cannot lift you from this burden completely, but we can offer you support to handle it in the best way possible, thanks to the help of expert specialists hired by the Company. We also defray a big share of the cost of this service. And you save time and money!

Company life
Having lunch together is good for our team! Our canteen is a restaurant where quality food is served free of charge to all Montenegro people. Why restaurant? Because everyone can decide what they feel like eating according to their tastes, needs and habits. And in summertime you can even eat outdoors… enjoy!
We are proud of our products. In our break rooms, tea, chamomile tea, infusions and herbal tea are available to everyone to enjoy a moment of taste and true relaxation!
Hot/cold water dispensers are available to everyone at all our plants. Water quality is guaranteed thanks to a 5-level filtering system.
A multifunctional space where our employees can work in an informal environment, chat with their colleagues, or carve out some time for leisure and relaxation, alone or together with others.
All our plants include convenient parking lots where our employees can leave their car, motorbike or bicycle.
Gruppo Montenegro has joined the inter-company programme ‘Fiocco in Azienda’ (‘a Birth Ribbon at the Company’), whose purpose is to support new mothers and new fathers to have a stress-free transition to parenthood. This programme includes practical services such as the ‘paediatric card’ -to find an available paediatrician in the event of an emergency-, training/informational courses which dive into the psychological and relational aspects of their new role and sessions with nutritionists to learn about correct eating habits for both parents and their children.
This is a programme designed to support pregnant colleagues and new mothers. It is aimed at promoting the acknowledgment and application of skills that are typical of mothers, such as effective communication, problem solving and time management, in the workplace.

Our private life
Thanks to a partnership agreement with a banking group, Gruppo Montenegro provides all its non-probationary permanent employees with an individual billing company credit card that offers multiple economic benefits.
Working in synergy with our network, we can offer all our employees new agreements to benefit from discounted prices on many goods and services!
Through its internal e-commerce portal “Cosmo”, Gruppo Montenegro allows all employees to purchase its products on specific advantageous terms, having them delivered at their workplace.
How much does having a baby cost?!? The supplementary health coverage system that Gruppo Montenegro has joined provides a monthly grant for families, that varies according to their income bracket.
Celebrating Christmas or Easter without bringing our excellence to our tables? No way! We celebrate special occasions with a gift selection of our products and the typical Pandoro (Christmas cake) and Colomba (Easter cake)! The cakes are not made by us, that’s true… but we are just as good at choosing!