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For a planet without food waste

3 February 2021

Did you know that…:

  • 1/3 of the food produced (for human consumption) worldwide is thrown away before it reaches the table (source: FAO, Global Food Losses and Food Waste, 2011)
  • 3 billion tons of edible food are thrown away every year in the world (source: FAO, Global Food Losses and Food Waste, 2011)
  • 88 million tons of food are thrown away every year in Europe, of which 53% in the household (source: EU Fusions, Estimates of European food waste levels, 2016)
  • 40% of waste in industrialised countries is concentrated during the distribution and consumption phase (FAO, Make Not wasting a Way of Life, 2016)
  • 8-10% of emissions at global level are caused by food waste (if it were a country, in a country ranking, it would be third after China and USA) (source: FAO, Food Wastage Footprint: Impacts on Natural Resources, Summary Report, 2013)

The fight against food waste involves communities all over the world. Also the UN has added to its Sustainable Development Objectives – in the Sustainable Change section – the target of halving food waste worldwide, both at retail and consumer level, as well as of reducing food losses along the production chain, including the post-harvest phases.

Every small action can make a difference!

Gruppo Montenegro has decided to join the Pact against Food Waste, launched by the association Too Good To Go on the occasion of the nationwide Day against Food Waste, on the 5th of February.

Too Good To Go, with which we are already partnered through our Atelier della Natura Bonomelli, which donates its leftovers every day to be used as Magic Boxes, was established in 2015 in Denmark for the purpose of counteracting food waste.

Their app is present in 15 countries (Europe and United States), it has more than 50 million users, and allows shops and companies to collect and sell online their food leftovers (“too good to go”!) to make Magic Boxes, i.e. “doggy bags” with a surprise selection of fresh products and dishes which cannot be sold the next day.

The Pact will be launched on the occasion of the Day for Prevention of Food Waste, scheduled for the 5th of February this year; it is a virtuous alliance between companies, supermarkets and consumers, with a view to bringing down food wastage rates over the next three years through concrete actions and initiatives at all levels of the agri-food chain.

Read the news here.

Read more about the pact: https://toogoodtogo.it/it/campaign/commitment

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